April MoMo Rocked!

MoMo event at Ebisu Zest with ColorZip and Mobaho!

It was another fantastic evening of networking, mingling and cool mobile tech talk, we ‘kinda’ lost track on head count thru the door, easily +200 in the house! Here’s a quick video clip from that event. We’ll post a follow-up report shortly, with links to the past MoMo Tokyo presentation files, right here on the brand spanking new mobilemonday.jp website design.. a work in progress.. =@_@=

Many thanks again to Super Sponsors, Morgan Lewis and SARJAM, and to our presenters, Yamaguchi-san from MCBO and Evan Owens from ColorZip. Note there was news from Korea yesterday on the launch of a satellite-to-mobile phone broadcast service similar to the one that Mobile Broadcast Inc. (Mobaho!) is considering.

Once we get a little more comfortable using Word Press and finally have everything in place, anyone who has registered and/or attended a past MobileMonday Tokyo event will receive an email invitation to log in and set up their profile. We are pretty darn excited about building the site into a fantastic community networking platform for MoMo members with the aim of enabling online contact, networking and staying in touch between events.