Kotoshi mo Yoroshiku! We hope you all had a great holiday season and are rip-snort’in ready for what promises to be an interesting 2009. In honour of the Year of the Ox, we have decided to hold our Shinnenkai Kanpai event on 19 January at The Pink Cow, birthplace of MoMo Tokyo way back in 2004 (details below). This will be a free, open-to-all ‘come as you are and pay as you go’ event with several special guests expected, some sweet treats and a totally awesome door-prize courtesy of the nice folks at LG. We look forward to seeing everyone – regulars, guests and friends alike – at what should be a fantastic MoMo Tokyo 2009 launch event.
Wait! While we have your attention – There’s News!
Looking back on 2008, we welcomed almost 2,000 people at 11 events and have posted a couple of graphs below based on the attendee profiles. All things considered, it was a lot of work and a lot of fun – and well worthwhile.
Support MoMo Tokyo – Boost your Exposure
However, in typical kaizen fashion, we need to explore how best to continue moving this community platform forward. So, we are calling for energetic contributors, with select skills and some bandwidth, to step up to become Ambassador Agents, Chief Enthusiasts and MoMo Tokyo Ministers of Mobile!
These key supporters will gain increased exposure and mobile community recognition while contributing to the continued improvement of MoMo Tokyo events. If you’re interested, please Contact Us for details.
Mobile Japan Catalogue – Invitation
We managed to get a little time off over New Years to reflect on projects for 2009 and it occurs to us that there really should be an English catalogue of all the mobile players who are based in Japan. Since that would be valuable and pretty straightforward to compile with your help, consider this an open invitation for all to submit [info at mobilemonday.jp] just a simple 1-page company summary (example), ideally as a Word doc, so we can pull together a grand central collection for posting here on the MoMo Tokyo site.
Strap on your sneakers & do a shoulder check for charging the year ahead!
— MoMo Tokyo Team
2008 Attendees by Job Title

2008 Attendees by Industry

Of course we have more stats – such as the 80-20 split on males vs. females (should really try to do something about that!) and essentially a 50-50 split of domestic vs. international attendees. At some point – ASAP – we’ll skin more aggregate demographics of the MoMo Tokyo community to post here.
Sponsored by: Jonckers Translation & Engineering and Robert Leonard Consulting
Date: Monday, 19 January 2009 :: 18:30 – 24:00
Venue: The Pink Cow — GMAP
Admission: Free – Register in Advance for the Door-Prize Draw
18:30 – Doors Open
19:30 – Welcome/introduction
20:30 – Dancing Cows Kanapai
21:00 – Door-Prize Draw
24:00 – Close, but not really!